Frequently Asked Questions

What products do you sell?

You can buy generic and brand name medications from our online pharmacy. To find the brand products, look for the word brand by the name.

Why do people prefer generic drugs?

The generic drugs come after a drug company’s patent wears off in 20 years. Generic drugs often cost less than brand name drugs. In many cases, they can cost 80% to 85% more than generic drugs, but the difference in absorption between the two types is only 3.5%. Important to note, generic drugs aren’t always cheaper, but Many health insurance companies prefer that you buy generic drugs due to the lower cost.

Are all the generic medications sold at your pharmacy FDA approved?

All of the generic drugs that we sell have received FDA approval, meaning that the quality will be the same as the brand name drugs.

Are generic drugs as good as brand name drugs?

All generic medications that received approval from the FDA will provide you with the same clinical benefit as the brand name drug. It will also have the same risks associated with it. Under the rules of the FDA, generic drugs must work as quickly and effectively as the brand name drugs. The biggest difference between generic drugs and brand-name drugs comes from the shape and price. Most generic drugs will receive the same name as the active ingredient in the drug. Because drug-making companies cannot patent the chemical agent for the drug, this is how generic drugs can be legally produced.

Why are generic drugs so cheap?

In many cases, generic drugs will cost 80% to 85% less than brand name drugs but not always. Many worry that due to the suspicious cheapness that the drug won’t produce the same positive clinical effects. You worry that their effectiveness will be limited. Because of the guidelines from the FDA, generic drugs must follow safety precautions, and they must also prove as effective as the brand name drug. If they don’t do those things, they cannot sell their drugs.

One of the reasons that generic drugs cost so much less is because the company didn’t need to invest money into the development and marketing of the drug. When big pharmaceutical companies bring a new drug to the market, they have already invested a substantial amount of money into the development, research, and promotion of the drug.

The other reason that generic drugs cost less is because generic drug companies don’t need to recuperate on their costs as much. Once the patent for a specific drug expires, the generic drug maker can apply with the FDA to sell their generic version. The competition among the generic drug companies drives down the price in many cases. Do not believe the lies that generic drugs are of less quality or made in substandard conditions—it’s not true or the FDA wouldn’t have approved them. They must follow all the same standards and practices as a brand name drug. To put it all into perspective, an estimated 50% of drug production comes from brand name companies, according to the FDA.

How do soft and regular tablets differ?

Soft gelatin tablets will hold liquid medicine within them, and they will get absorbed into the body more quickly than a regular tablet. You can swallow it more easily as well. Soft tablets will dissolve under your tongue, and you can take them with alcohol or fatty foods. If you take a regular tablet, you should avoid drinking due to the potential for adverse side effects.

Do I require a prescription to order from you?

We do not require prescriptions from our customers. Before you take any of our drugs, however, it would be advisable that you speak with your doctor to ensure that this drug would be the right choice for you. We’re not doctors, and we cannot look over your medical history to find the right medications for you. Your doctor is the only one who can advise you on what you can and cannot take.

How can I be sure of the quality of the drugs that you offer?

We emphasize the quality of our drugs because otherwise people wouldn’t want to buy from our online pharmacy. The higher the quality, the more customers we’ll get. Because of this reasoning, we always emphasize the quality of our drug suppliers and invest a great deal of time into finding the right ones. We exhaustively test and document everything to ensure that the quality you receive will be nothing less than the best.

Are generic drugs available for all brand name drugs?

After a drug company researches, develops, and creates a new drug, the drug company will have exclusive rights to produce that drug for 20 years, based on their patent. During that time, you cannot find generic drug companies that will make that drug. After the patent expires, drug companies can begin to produce that drug. In some cases, drug makers may even choose not to produce a generic version of that drug for whatever reason. An estimated 50% of all the drugs on the market today will have a generic version, making it worth your time to check if a generic version exists.

How do 100 mg Viagra tablets and 50 mg Viagra tablets differ?

When you go to buy Viagra (sildenafil), the starting dosage is 50 mg. This dosage is the lower strength dosage, and it works for many men without the need to up the dosage to 100 mg. The reason you start lower as well is because it can eliminate some of the potentially negative side effects. If you take the 100 mg tablet, you expose yourself to even worse side effects than with the 50 mg tablet. In cases where men suffer severe erectile dysfunction, you may up the dosage to 100 mg, but this is only at the recommendation of your doctor.

How do I place an order?

Our online pharmacy made placing an order as simple as possible. First, pick out the medication that you would like to buy. After you find the medication, look at the quantity and the strength of the pills before buying. Next, just click the button that says, “Add to shopping cart.” Look over the things in your cart carefully to ensure that it’s everything you want to buy. Now, you just click the checkout button and fill out the order form information and enter your credit card information. After you do that, hit the purchase button, and this will have us send you the order.

What payment methods do you accept?

You can either choose to pay via MasterCard or Visa.

How long does it take for me to see the charges on my credit card?

After you have completed your order, we will submit the information over to our processing center. This is where we will check the information and charge it to the credit card if everything checks out. Once they authorize the payment and we approve your order, you should be able to see it on your bill. Until then, you will see it as a pending charge. In most cases, it only takes three days, but this will depend in some cases.

What do I do if they didn’t charge my credit card yet, but I made an order?

If you made an order and the credit card still didn’t make the charge to your account, it means that an issue exists somewhere with the order. We would advise that you begin with a call to the credit card company to pinpoint the source of the problem. In some cases, it may have to do with the policy of the credit card company. For example, they may have set a guideline that prohibits you from charging your card from other countries. One of the things that we recommend is that people check their CVV number, billing address, and expiration date. Once you double check it, try to charge it again.

What if my package comes to me either damaged or with something missing?

Do not use the product if it comes to you either damaged or with something missing since this would suggest tampering. Instead, please notify us of the tampering, and we will send you a new product free of charge, or we can refund you completely if it would make you more comfortable.

I checked your store and saw that you don’t have the dosage I need — what can I do?

In some cases, you may encounter a medication that only has a 100 mg dosage, but you were only supposed to use 50 mg. For a case like that, you would split the tablet in half and only take half of the tablet. You can also divide a 100 mg tablet into quarters for a 25 mg dosage.